2025 Monday Morning Ladies 18 Hole League


Dear Ladies Morning Golfers,



The league dues for the Monday morning 18-hole league will be $180 (This includes the $5 event fee). This will include you GHIN fee and some lunches after golf, these dates are all posted on the Golf Genius calendar. The league will start on Monday April 21at and end on Monday September 15th. We will be having an opening meeting on Monday April 14th at 9AM in the Oneka Ridge clubhouse. In this meeting we will go over the schedule of events and the season long Oneka Cup points race.


Cost per round:

*Weekly costs =

Walking  $32  

Riding  $32 + $17 cart = $49


HOLE-IN-ONE INSURANCE: $5 in the pot for a hole-in-one. This will be paid out for the first Hole in One made. After someone makes a hole in one we will start this insurance over.


Tee Times will go as follows:

* You will be able to pick your own tee time & sign up to 4 people each week. You can always just sign yourself up anytime.

*When the game is a 2-person event, you can only sign up 2 people that day. This will be the team for that event.

*If you have an uneven number for any of the team events, a blind draw will be used for scoring that day. The same blind draw will be used for all teams that need one.

*GOLF GENIUS will be used for signing up for tee times.

*There will be an opening time to start signing up for the week & a closing time: Opening time will be Monday at 4:00PM & closing will be Saturday at 12 noon.


If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email us!

We look forward to seeing you at the opening meeting!


CLICK HERE to pay for your league fee online



Jon Hatcher, PGA                                                                               Riley Nelson        

PGA Head Golf Professional                                                              Assistant Golf Professional

Jonhatcher@onekaridgegc.com                                                        rileyonekagc@gmail.com